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Eucalyptus Grove > Feedback/Suggestions

Feedback / Suggestions

To submit a form for Feedback and Suggestions to the Board, please use this form.  :


All forms are anonymous, unless you choose to fill out your name and contact information.
We will bring all suggestions and feedback to the next board meeting to be brought up and discussed.

IF YOU WISH TO ATTEND AND HEAR THE BOARD DISCUSSION, Board meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of every month. They are held via Zoom or you can attend in person in the Meeting room.

Zoom access for Board Meetings


The next Board Meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2022, at 6PM, via Zoom

Meeting ID: 956 7253 8616 with Passcode: 71139


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 956 7253 8616

Passcode: 71139

You can also call by dialing: +1 669 900 6833 From a laptop or computer:

1. On your web browser navigate to

2. Type in the "Meeting ID" & "Password" from above when prompted.

3. Wait for the host to start the meeting.

From a phone: 1. Dial into the number listed above.

2. Type in the "Meeting ID" & "Password" from above when prompted.

3. Hit *6 to unmute.

The meeting will not require that attendees register for Zoom accounts. This was to reduce the burden on our members if they need to call in.

Remember, please do not share the Zoom Meeting ID & Password with anyone you do not want to join our meeting.

If you wish to physically attend the meeting, you may come to the Management Office at 3944 State St. #200, Santa Barbara or come to the meeting room located in building #7610